Two teenage Israeli girls tried to commit suicide after years of suffering from severe online harassment. The girls, 13 and 14, were found unconscious near the Mediterranean Sea. A resident of the city had observed them going into the water in the middle of a fierce storm and called the police. Rescue workers fished them out of the water and revived them, taking them to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon for treatment.

According to the statement the girls gave police, the two are students in the same class in an Ashdod intermediate school. The two have been tormented and ridiculed continuously for years by classmates, both in person and on the Internet – especially on Facebook, where classmates have spread rumors and embarrassing stories about them. Police did not release details, but said that the bullying had been “extended and intense.” Police said they would investigate the bullying, both online and offline, and file charges where and when appropriate.

In a statement, the Ashdod municipality said that “the city’s head of social service was given all the details of the case and immediately began an investigation and will work professionally with the girls and their families.”

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