About The ETCB Organization

Founded on May 1st 2011, the “End to Cyber Bullying” (ETCB) is a non-profit organization aimed at combating cyberbullying in this modern age of advancing technology.
What is The End to Cyber Bullying Organization?
The End to Cyber Bullying (ETCB) Organization is a state certified, non-profit organization founded by Samuel Lam and David Zhao on May 1st, 2011, in the hopes of creating a social networking world devoid of cyberbullying. By raising awareness and informing members of both our community and of our globe, ETCB hopes to help teens, parents, educators, and others to identify, prevent, and ultimately stop cyberbullying. We hope to BE THE CHANGE and spread the positivity of change, instead of negativity caused by cyberbullying, online.
Headquartered in New York City, ETCB is a safe haven where bystanders, past victims, and ordinary people, interested in helping, mobilize to help victims of cyberbullying, as well as to spread the knowledge and inspiration we provide – whether across the street, across the country, or across the world.
What is Our Mission?
The End to Cyber Bullying Organization is the world’s number one source for up-to-date cyberbullying information, news, legislature, and cyberbullying prevention tips. ETCB is instantly accessible online, and phone assistance by certified and professional cyber bullying counselors is available to any inquiring individuals. Highlighting cyberbullying as a leading issue in today’s technological society and raising awareness throughout the web and throughout communities is the first and primary step to putting an end to cyberbullying.
We all need to take ownership of cyberbullying. We cannot simply expect a parent to make sure his/her child does not turn into a cyberbully or a victim. Each individual person can play a role by taking a step to minimize cyberbullying. Whether as a friend, a bystander, an educator, a boss, or a leader, EVERYONE can play a part, whether it be small or large, in this growing movement. That is why it is our mission is to inspire and show others that there are tangible and practical actions and efforts that anyone can take against cyberbullying. It is imperative that we change how individuals, especially teens, look and deal with cyberbullying. Hopefully, they will begin to develop an attitude that cyberbullying is NOT a COOL thing to do, and that seeking guidance and counsel from others is acceptable and the right thing to do. Teens, parents, educators, and others can certainly take greater measures to educate themselves about cyber bullying, the ramifications of cyber bullying, and effective preventive measures against cyberbullying. With the knowledge they acquire, they must be ready to share it with those around them. As an organization, we believe that there is no easy way to end cyber bullying or even bullying in general, but by working hard with our supporters and volunteers, as well as by spreading awareness of the issue, and informing the public about the severe consequences of cyberbullying, ETCB can and will show others how serious and how common cyber bullying actually is. We can, and will be, one step closer to a social networking arena devoid of cyberbullying and harassment.
Today, the End to Cyber Bullying Organization boasts thousands of volunteers worldwide who are committed to inspiring others to take action and to grow a safe cyberworld. ETCB is continually reaching millions of online users across the globe. Our volunteers and board of directors are working hand-in-hand, starting ETCB initiatives and workshops in their respective communities around the world. Today, volunteers of ETCB travel from school to school and from county to county, in the United States and around the globe, giving presentations to middle schoolers and high schoolers and teaching them tips to recognize cyber bullying, tips to prevent it from occurring, and even tips on how to start their own ETCB initiative in their respective schools. As individuals, we cannot accomplish much, but when we come together, we will make a difference!
Founding Team
Samuel Lam is currently Co-Founder at PermitFlow. David Zhao is currently Managing Partner at NXT Group. The End to Cyber Bullying Organization was set up to be a free online resource for everyone on the web.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
ETCB is a rapidly expanding organization, and as such we welcome questions about the company and most importantly, about cyber bullying. Whether you are personally being cyberbullied or you know someone who is being cyberbullied, please feel free to contact us in the form below and we will be sure to provide further assistance. Also, if you are in need of any further information about our organization, such as how can you participate or how can you make a difference, leave a message below and ETCB will respond as soon as possible.