The Claremore Public Schools Board of Education has decided to integrate cyber bullying into the school district’s bullying policy. “We already have a policy for bullying, but with events taking place involving cyber bullying obligations, we need to create a new way to maintain safety for our students,” said Claremore Superintendent Mike McClaren. He said the biggest change being made includes the consequences of bullying through electronic communication such as text messaging and Facebook.
The major issue confronting the state legislature is whether or not they can discipline students for behaviors occurring off campus. Currently legislation extends beyond school grounds but only for activities either sponsored by or associated with the school. The law states that school policies should at a minimum, contain a statement prohibiting cyber bullying and a procedure for providing immediate notification to the parents or guardian of a victim or perpetrator. The law also states that school’s should contain a statement that the policy will apply to electronic communication whether or not the conduct began on school property or with school equipment, so long as the effect of the incident is insulting or demeaning to a student or a group of students.
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