Has cyberbullying become a norm in society? In her most recent TED talk – The Prince of Shame – Monica Lewinsky discusses her experiences with public shaming in the eyes of the media, referring to public shaming as a “blood sport”, that...
One company truly understands the reality of the risk of cyberbullying. Chubb Personal Risk Services has added cyberbullying to its U.S. Masterpiece Family Protection policy, according to Chubb’s website news. This is a wise move for the company but also for...
If you think cyberbullying isn’t a worldwide problem, think again. Cyberbullying isn’t a problem limited to specific countries. In fact, there are some countries you wouldn’t expect to have so many victims of this form of bullying. These statistics from PureSight.com...
A cyberbullied teen from Texas is making the news this week! Dannie McMillan’s bully, who is her high school classmate, went as far as making a whole Twitter account with the sole intent of making fun of Dee (as Dannie is called) on social media. The cyberbully...
In Ulster County, NY, cyberbullying is being taken seriously. On Tuesday, January 9, 2016, a new local law was proposed in Ulster County, NY to protect against cyberbullying, the act of intentionally inflicting emotional harm via technology. The new law, not yet...