“The End to Cyber Bullying” is a non-profit organization, designed to combat cyberbullying in this modern age. By raising awareness throughout communities and the world, ETCB can help teens, parents, educators, and others identify, prevent, and ultimately stop cyberbullying. ETCB is where people mobilize to help cyberbullying victims – whether across the street, across the country or across the world.
Today, a coalition of students, teachers, various organization and sponsors strive to make social networking and the world a safer place.
ETCB’s mission is to create a global social networking arena devoid of cyberbullying. By offering compassionate services, including online counseling and the establishment of ETCB clubs throughout the world, our organization aims to essentially make the world a better place. Raising awareness throughout each individual community is the first step to eradicating cyberbullying.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
ETCB is a rapidly expanding organization, and as such we welcome questions about the company and most importantly, about cyber bullying. Whether you are personally being cyberbullied or you know someone who is being cyberbullied, please feel free to contact us in the form below and we will be sure to provide further assistance. Also, if you are in need of any further information about our organization, such as how can you participate or how can you make a difference, leave a message below and ETCB will respond as soon as possible.