A gay teenager was found dead by his brother after killing himself a day after bullies who had taunted him relentlessly had organized a fight with him. Brandon Elizares, 16, was an Andress High School sophomore with bright prospects for the future, but the pressure of threats affected him so badly that he took his own life.

He had been open about his homosexuality since he was just 14 and his family said he had tried to be honest and open with himself. But it all got too much for him, particularly after one threat was that the was going to be burned alive and shot, and on June 2 the teenager took a quantity of pills that killed him.

Before he died he put his school awards on display in his room and left a heartbreaking note for his family that said: ‘My name is Brandon Joseph Elizares and I couldn’t make it. I love you guys with all of my heart.’

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