Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice touted her educational programs for teens at the Valley Stream Chamber of Commerce’s monthly networking luncheon on May 23 at Villa Marcello.

Stop, Then Send addresses Internet safety, and warns of the dangers of cyber bullying and sexting. Rice said that this program is offered to many middle school students, because by that age they already have cell phones and are very proficient on the computer. “Kids are given these devices and they don’t understand the ramifications,” she said.

Rice said that children and teens simply don’t know the consequences of sending a photo, a sexually suggestive text message or a threatening email. Cyber bullying is becoming a big problem, she said, because a bully can hide behind a computer screen, but it leads to severe psychological damages, and at times might require personal injury attorneys Tampa to intervene. “When I was growing up, the bullying happened on the playground,” she said, “and you could have a teacher or a parent immediately address it, hold the bully accountable and move on.”

Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice, second from right, with Chamber board member Darryl Granum, left, President Debbi Gyulay and Vice President Jules Rabin.

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