A Worldwide Phenomenon


34.3% of Belgian teenagers have been bullied through the Internet or cellular devices
European Commission Survey, Nov. 2009.


52% of Polish Internet users aged 12-17 have been exposed to abuse on the Web or via mobile phones
European Commission Survey, Nov. 2009.


14.1% of students also experience the kinds of incidents (harassment, denigration, outing & trickery and exclusion) that constitute cyberbullying
Cyberbullying in Germany, Psychology Science Quarterly, 2009.


Ten percent of high school students said they have been harassed through e-mails, websites or blogs
Survey by the Hyogo Prefectual Board of Education, 2007 (Citied in Reuters article).


Between 25% and 29% of all teenagers have been bullied via their mobile phone or the internet over the past year
University of Valencia (UV), 2010.

South Korea:

A survey of 272 students at four South Korean universities found that three-fourths knew a victim of cyber bullying and more than half knew a cyber bully.
University of South Florida, 2010.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

ETCB is a rapidly expanding organization, and as such we welcome questions about the company and most importantly, about cyber bullying. Whether you are personally being cyberbullied or you know someone who is being cyberbullied, please feel free to contact us in the form below and we will be sure to provide further assistance. Also, if you are in need of any further information about our organization, such as how can you participate or how can you make a difference, leave a message below and ETCB will respond as soon as possible.

60 W 38th St, Floor 2 New York, NY 10018

1-772-202-ETCB (3822)