Angela Stagge, a Whiteland, Indiana mother, is selling her home and moving her family to another town to help her 15-year-old daughter, Chelsea, escape bullying. Stagge said she went to school administrators and showed them reports made to the Whiteland police department claiming that her daughter had been stalked and threatened. Stagge said she showed them threatening Facebook messages and told them that the family had a restraining order against one of the alleged bullies. The school had copies of everything but did nothing, a common occurrence in many schools across America.
Inspired by a recent rally for a gay student who was bullied at Tech High School, Stagge started a petition for stronger bullying laws in Indiana. She also is organizing a walk in July to call attention to the issue and trying to start a fund that would give money to schools to enable them to have more anti-bullying programs and training. About 900 people have signed the petition, and frustrated parents from all over the state have begun to call.
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